Home Member News Caunton working for one of world’s largest glass makers

Caunton working for one of world’s largest glass makers


Caunton have been pleased to supply and erect the structural steelwork for the frame of a new factory in Yorkshire for Saint-Gobain subsidiary Celotex. Saint-Gobain, who are Caunton’s client and the main contractor too, were responsible for the planning application for the new production facility for Celotex, the UK’s largest supplier of PIR insulation boards.

The new facility will be located next to Saint-Gobain’s Glass manufacturing facility in Eggborough, with production due to begin in Spring of 2017. Celotex has been operating for 90 years, and making PIR (polyisocyanutrate) in the UK since 1980. The company now employs 220 people at its only production site in Suffolk, where there are two similar production lines to the one that will be constructed at this new facility near Goole.

The factory’s frame comprising over 600te of steelwork has been designed by Caunton.. The main frame is an asymmetric propped-portal approximately 144m wide by 149m long, and is 13m high to the apex.
Attached to the main frame is the canopy structure, which itself is a 72m wide twin span portal and projects 17m.

Saint-Gobain UK and Ireland, the leader in the habitat and construction materials market, will invest £20million in this production facility for Celotex. Caunton Engineering are delighted to be contributing to this exciting new expansion.caunton-schematic