An article in the May edition of New Steel Construction by editor Nick Barrett argues the steel construction sector is ahead of the game as far as implementing the use of Level 2 BIM before next year’s Government deadline. The aluminium construction industry is similarly working towards the Level 2 deadline and evidence of this occurred recently when the Council for Aluminium in Building (CAB) invited a representative from the structural steelwork industry to speak about BIM at the 10th Annual CAB Technical Conference held at Loughborough University in May.
Caunton is a major UK steelwork contractor and generally seen as leaders in this field, so Robert Berry, Caunton’s Director of Engineering and Innovation, was invited to give a presentation on BIM from a fabricators perspective. CAB clearly felt it is always useful to see how another industry is approaching this common objective as BIM is becoming so important to the success of the construction industry as a whole.