Home Meet the SCI Team David Brown, SCI Associate Director

David Brown, SCI Associate Director

David Brown, SCI Associate Director
David Brown, SCI Associate Director

Before joining the SCI in 1992, David worked for steelwork contractors, and before that, British Rail. He presents regularly at SCI courses on a variety of subjects, but mostly concerned with practical design. He (or at least his voice!) might be familiar to some members as he delivers several of the lunchtime webinar subjects. David has been involved in plenty of SCI publications, including the Eurocode “Blue Book”, books on simple and moment-resisting connections (the “Green Books”), portal frame design and multi-storey frame design. Delivering training has taken David to the extremities of the British Isles, and also to South Africa, India, Kenya and Ukraine. He is a member of several technical committees covering steelwork design. When asked what he actually does, his family respond that he “does hard sums”.

David Brown, SCI Associate Director
David Brown, SCI Associate Director