Home Articles Eurocode 3: Time for your comments

Eurocode 3: Time for your comments


Few would argue that international standardization is a key enabler of trade and, in response to the outcome of last week’s EU Referendum, BSI has been quick to confirm its intention that the UK should continue to participate in the European Standardization System as a full member of CEN, the European Committee for Standardisation. BSI considers that this is a likely outcome of the forthcoming negotiations between the UK and EU. At SCI, it’s business as usual and we continue working hard to develop the second generation of Eurocodes, focussed on better meeting the needs of users.

As part of this process, BSI has launched a ‘Systematic Review’ for the following parts of Eurocode 3:
EN 1993-1-4 Stainless steel
EN 1993-1-9 Fatigue
EN 1993-1-10 Material toughness and through-thickness properties
EN 1993-1-11 Design of structures with tension components
EN 1993-2 Steel bridges

Everyone who has used these parts of Eurocode 3 is invited to answer the following six questions:

1. Do any clauses require editorial or technical correction?
2. Which clauses would benefit from improvements in clarity?
3. Where should the scope of the EN be extended?
4. Where could the EN be shortened?
5. Are there any clauses whose application leads to uneconomic construction?
6. Are there any clauses whose application necessitates excessive design effort?

It is an important opportunity for the UK’s voice to be heard at European level so please take the time to answer these questions. Your comments should be compiled into a template, contactHelen.Gray@bsigroup.com to receive the template. Comments must be submitted by 7th October 2016.

If you do not have a copy of a standard, you could arrange with theBSI Knowledge Centre to view a copy in their dedicated reading room.
