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Eurocode Progress Update


Work to develop the Eurocodes is now seriously underway, with the Phase 1 Project Teams having delivered first drafts of their work at the end of April. The drafts are due to be accepted by the members of the various sub-committees by the end of June so that work can progress. Hopefully the feedback from the subcommittees will ensure that progress is in an acceptable direction, remembering that the main thrust of this work is to improve the ease of use of the codes (one aspect of the formal definition of easing use being avoiding fundamental change). The timing of the start of Phase 2 is still not clear, but it is likely that new teams will be formed for this new set of Tasks in late 2016. There remain plans for Phases 3 and 4.

At SCI, alongside our colleagues at BCSA and others in the UK steel sector, we are keeping a close eye on progress as we fully support the planned direction. It is not easy, as there is a serious lack of practitioner involvement in code development and the process described above is quite closed (would anything ever get done if it was not?). Practical input is needed to rein back the enthusiasm of researchers, who use different criteria to judge whether a code is ‘successful’.

Timescales are long. Opportunities to make a real difference
are not guaranteed, and we are a long way from starting with a clean sheet of paper. So we must be realistic. But recognising those limitations we are always pleased to hear from practitioners who would be willing to join in and do what
they can.

Dr Graham Couchman

Steel Framework