Home News Eurocode training – in Africa!

Eurocode training – in Africa!


Following an invitation by the Kenya Bureau of Standards, David Brown has travelled to Machakos, near Nairobi, to speak at an awareness workshop and then deliver a full week of in-depth technical training on steel design to the Eurocodes. SCI’s association with Kenya goes back some years, starting with an initiative to consider how the market share for steel could be increased. More recently, a webinar series was delivered to Kenyan engineers, covering design to BS 5950 – the current Standard. To quite a short timescale, Kenya has decided to adopt the Eurocodes as the national Standard, so a recent webinar series introduced aspects of Eurocode design and this has been followed up by two weeks of training in Africa.

Like any country, Kenya must prepare a National Annex – whilst it is probable that for many design issues Kenya will follow the UK, the climatic actions are of course very different, and specific Kenyan documentation will need to be prepared. One advantage for Kenya in adopting the Eurocodes relatively late is that very many technical resources such as the Blue Book are already available for use, which will help the transition.

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