It is important that when a designer is specifying steel they have a good understanding of, or obtain input to, a broad range of issues. It is not enough to just say ‘S355 steel is needed’. After choosing the grade comes the issue of sub-grade, then there is the issue of availability. And after all that is carefully considered, there is the question of knowing that you have got what you ordered.
Recent enquiries tell us that S275 steel is still being specified even though it is no longer readily available in the UK for structural sections (indeed has not been for some considerable time).
A consultant specifying this grade is not only carrying out abortive work, but it can create problems further down the line when needing to justify the switch to S355. There is debate in the UK at present that should soon result in one sub-grade becoming the default, to ease the life of stockholders and improve delivery.
Recent articles by SCOSS have revealed problems with the quality of imported steel, and indeed false documentation is not unheard of.
If you need help navigating through this minefield the SCI Advisory Team can offer support.