Home News New SCI publication – The design of cold formed portal frames (P417)

New SCI publication – The design of cold formed portal frames (P417)


Cold formed portal frames are a very popular choice for smaller structures – lightweight, no welding of members and straightforward to erect. They do however have important difference compared with an orthodox frame fabricated from universal sections. The inevitable flexibility of the joints has a significant effect on the distribution of bending moments around the frame and on frame stability. The verification of the members themselves – usually light gauge C sections – involves the complexities of effective section properties or a reduced design stress.

This new publication describes the issues unique to cold formed portals which must be considered if the frame is to be correctly analysed and designed. The publication also sets out what end clients for these sorts of structures should expect, including
site-specific variable actions (or a demonstration that the scope of
pre-designed structures is appropriate). Guidance on the details expected in the completed structure is also given, notably the essential restraints to the inside flanges.

The publication contains an extensive numerical worked example of a complete design, including the determination of variable actions, frame analysis, verification of frame stability and member verifications, all in accordance with the Eurocodes. In recognition that some member verification is still completed to BS 5950, a further worked example of member verification to BS 5950-5 is included. A short commentary on the provisions of BS 5502-22 is included, as many of these types of structures are constructed as agricultural buildings.

The publication contains no new guidance on the design of portal frames, but emphasises the correct application of design rules must allow for the special features of frames constructed from cold formed members. The member verifications are intended to serve as a template for designers checking members to BS EN 1993-1-3 or
BS 5950-5.

This publication is produced in Electronic format only

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