Home News New SCI steel bridge design guides

New SCI steel bridge design guides


SCI has recently published two new steel bridge design publications: 

SCI P185 – Guidance notes on best practice in steel bridge construction (6th Issue), and

SCI P406 – Determining design displacements for bridge movement bearings. 

The 6th edition of the Guidance notes have been comprehensively reviewed and updated by the Steel Bridge Group (SBG) and two new Guidance Notes have been added; one provides guidance on the specification of fatigue quality, reflecting the requirements of the Specification for Highway Works; the second offers specification clauses for tension components, such as high strength bars and strands, to supplement the requirements in BS EN 1090-2.

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SCI P406 responds to an enquiry to SCI’s Advisory Desk about the inconsistent and unclear requirements in BS EN 1991-1-5 and BS EN 1993-2 for the determination of the movement ranges to be specified for bridge bearings. 

The publications are available to purchase from the SCI shop or are available, on-line to SCI members from Steelbiz.