Home News New Website for SCI Product Certification

New Website for SCI Product Certification


Increasingly, procurement organisations including government and public sector bodies are specifying requirements for accredited, robust third-party certification. With this in mind, given over 30 years of expertise in the sector and with our SCI Assessed scheme already recognised, SCI Product Certification has been developed to serve the steel industry better than anything currently on offer. The scheme will;

  • help manufacturers differentiate their products and gain acceptance in the market
  • help meet the requirements of warranty providers such as NHBC, Premier Guarantee, LABC etc.
  • provide confidence to specifiers, end-users and other interested parties that the products fulfil specified requirement

We believe that the offsite construction market will grow significantly in the coming years, not only because of its ability to solve the critical need for more housing, but more generally because of its fit with the Government’s Transforming Construction agenda. We have therefore been developing SCI Product Certification for the following products:

  • Individual structural elements
  • Cladding and roofing
  • External wall systems
  • Light Steel Frame
  • Modular building units

Following positive comments received from UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) during the accreditation pre-assessment carried out in the latter half of last year SCI is currently working with a number of manufacturers to test the robustness of our complete certification process. This is in readiness for the formal Assessment by UKAS in March. SCI hope to be in a position to issue the first certificates towards the middle of the year.

SCI is proud to announce that their new website for SCI Product Certification is now live, and more information on the scheme can be found at www.scicerts.com

Should you be interested in this service either as a manufacturer or specifier then please contact Mark Wilkinson with your requirements and/or questions.

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