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PUREST (Promotion of new Eurocode rules for structural stainless steel) is a collaborative European project which is developing a comprehensive package of design guidance and tools to disseminate recently developed information and knowledge on structural stainless steel. Stainless steel is used for a wide range of structural applications in aggressive environments where reliable performance over long periods is required.

With partners from Germany, France, Belgium, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Poland, SCI has prepared the Fourth Edition of the Design Manual for Structural Stainless Steel, which consists of design recommendations, 15 design examples and a full commentary giving the basis for the design rules. The Fourth Edition aligns with the 2015 amendment to the stainless Eurocode, EN 1993-1-4, and also gives new data on fire, durability, ferritic stainless steels, and new design methods which take advantage of the increased strength arising from the work-hardening characteristics of stainless steel.

The Design Manual is now being translated into 9 European languages. The existing suite of carbon steel Eurocode 3 design applications developed by the ECCS is being extended to cover stainless steel also. A library of standard section sizes has been compiled and design software in accordance with EN 1993-1-4 for PCs and iOS/Android mobile devices is under development.

National seminars in 11 European cities will be held in the autumn to launch the Design Manual, starting on 26 September with the UK seminar in London. Further deliverables include recorded webinars for use in ‘lunch and learns’ and a package of teaching resources for engineering students. All the PUREST resources will be available for free download by the end of 2017 at www.steel-stainless.org/designmanual.