Home News SCI Releases explosion analysis software

SCI Releases explosion analysis software


SCI has released the first module of a new software package that can be used to analyse steel structures subjected to dynamic loading (e.g. caused by an explosion). The first module is concerned with structural members and is based on single degree of freedom analysis with generalised boundary conditions as shown in Figure 1. Nonlinear material behaviour, catenary effects and strain rate effects can be accounted for in the analysis. A range of static and dynamic load combinations can be modelled. In the case of dynamic (explosion) loads, these can be specified as a generalised pressure-time history. The single degree of freedom model was compared against the nonlinear finite element analysis program Abaqus. The comparisons showed that the SDOF model achieves very good accuracy.

A second software module is due to be released in October. It will provide the capability to perform whole building analysis of steel framed buildings (Figure 2) against external blast load. The software will allow irregular floor grids as well as the removal of one or multiple columns at any level in the building. Both moment connections and bracing systems can be modelled to provide lateral resistance to the building. The blast load acting on the building façade can vary both spatially and temporally.

A third module will also follow shortly providing the facility to analyse composite floor slabs under blast loading.explosion-software-01

explosion-software-02The software can be accessed at: http://www.blastresponse.com

For further details, contact: Ibrahim Fahdah I.Fahdah@steel-sci.com.