Steel Hybrid Onshore Wind Towers Installed with Minimal Effort
1 day event in London on the 28 June.

Conventional tubular wind towers become impractical and uneconomical at the greater heights required by increasingly powerful wind turbines or when located in areas with natural obstacles for wind flow.

This full-day event will present the results of a 3 year research project that investigated an economical solution for tall onshore wind towers based on a hybrid design comprising a steel lattice lower part and a steel tubular upper part.

Innovative aspects of the project include the optimisation of the tower erection process, the transition component between the tubular and lattice parts of the tower, and the minimisation of in-situ work using newly developed bolted connections.

This event is organised by the consortium of the EU-RFCS funded research project ‘SHOWTIME’ (RFSR-CT-2015-00021).

For more information and to book a place please visit our website. Click here