We have developed a unique new mobile phone app for architects, designers and engineers. Our ‘SMD Elements® Span Check’ initiative has now been launched.
The free-to-download app is a calculation tool enabling users run simple span checks on our range of floor deck profiles.
The easy-to-use app, believed to be the only type of its kind on the market, helps users to understand the options available for each product and what can be achieved with different types of specification.
Downloadable for Android and Apple devices, the app has been designed by our marketing and brand manager Pete Watkins and created by Bournemouth digital agency Adido.
The App benefits from a simple menu along the bottom of the screen allowing users to navigate through the app easily and quickly.
A new Element
Its launch coincides with the release of our new R51+ floor deck profile, allowing designers look up the new product and check the new spans.
Pete said: “The idea to create a multi-feature application for internal company and external client use is very much part of SMD’s ongoing development programme as we strive to offer the best possible service.
“It complements our long-established and well-used SMD Elements® Design software which is downloadable from the SMD website for Windows desktop use which enables more in-depth calculations.

Mobile is king
“However, everyone works from a mobile these days, and because time is often of the essence, our app is set to prove invaluable for designers and engineers in allowing them to run checks quickly.”
As well as the main ‘Span Check’ tool for determining maximum deck spans, the new app features written technical help and a form for submitting queries, links to downloadable PDFs, website literature and FAQs.
Using a table of data, the app returns maximum span length results based on options entered by the user. The app will be regularly updated to account for developments on new products. Users can sign up to get notification from us, through the app, on latest company and product developments.

Adido Collaberation
Andy Headington, chief executive officer of Adido, said: “We were excited about the interesting challenge of building a distinct working tool for a construction company and it was very much a collaborative effort to make Pete’s design a reality.
“We have been behind the launch of a great deal of successful, mass appeal marketing projects but this sector specific niche app product was unusual for us inasmuch as it was devised in part for use on building sites with little or no internet access.”
Using the App

To aid the choice of deck profile to select, our ‘Technical help’ section ‘What profile do I need’, can be of assistance by using the product graphs to identify the correct deck type for your slab depth / span / loadings required.
The options in the ‘Span check’ section of the app are specifically ordered as each choice will determine the next option available. This is most apparent when choosing deck type then slab depth and Reinforcement Mesh, the app only offers mesh options that will work with the previous choices of the slab design.
Maximum spans
As well as the Volume of Concrete and Weight of Concrete, the ‘Maximum Un-propped Spans’ section matches the results given in our most recent version of ‘The White Book’ and are all based on S350 grade deck. A range of maximum spans are given based on the deck gauge and span condition (single or double span).
Download it now
Visit your App store to download this new software now.