Home News Stainless Steel Eurocode developments

Stainless Steel Eurocode developments

The Stainless Eurocode WG meeting at KULeuven, Belgium
The Stainless Eurocode WG meeting at KULeuven, Belgium

Nancy Baddoo and Francisco Meza were in Belgium in February for meetings of the stainless steel Eurocode Working Group and Project Team. The Working Group has prepared a series of improvements to the stainless steel Eurocode which make it easier to use and enable more efficient design. These amendments are now being reviewed by National Standards Bodies across Europe and will hopefully be introduced in the first draft of the new revision of the stainless steel Eurocode, due April 2019.

The Stainless Eurocode WG meeting at KULeuven, Belgium
The Stainless Eurocode WG meeting at KULeuven, Belgium