Home News UKCES Offsite Construction Skills project completed

UKCES Offsite Construction Skills project completed


SCI and its partners from the Light Steel Forum recently completed a project to produce best practice guidance for light steel construction. The project was co-funded by the UK Commission for Employment and Skills (UKCES). The objective of the UK Futures programme is to enhance skills in the offsite construction sector, enabling the sector to grow and help meet the ever-present demand for new housing. This growing sector currently accounts for 7% of the total construction output and is worth over £1.5 billion to the economy.

SCI’s project sought to address the information needs and improve collaboration between different professionals by producing four best practice guides to help site supervisors and project managers improve efficiency on site and reduce waste through being better informed about the whole construction process.

As part of the development and testing of project resources, 76 individual companies were consulted. 1050 sets of the guidance have already been disseminated to the construction industry and 482 visitors have viewed the best practice resources on the Light Steel Forum website

Initial feedback has been extremely positive, as users now have a fuller understanding of the offsite steel systems. The results of the project have been published (October 2015) and are available from the Government website (SCI conclusions, page 9).

To download of the best guidance information sheets visit the Light Steel Forum Website

Contact Andrew Way, Associate Director, SCI
Tel +44 (0) 1344 636577