SCI, in partnership with FIS (Finishes and Interiors Sector), has published P433 which is a specifiers' guide to light gauge steel framing systems (SFS) external wall systems. The purpose of the publication is to help specifiers understand the granular details involved in the design process and production of a specification.
The publication was produced in conjunction with the FIS SFS working group made up of manufacturers and installers of SFS external wall systems. P433 is intended to guide architects, engineers, designers and installers through the stages in designing, selecting and specifying steel framed systems to form the external envelope for steel and concrete framed buildings.
FIS Chief Executive Iain McIlwee said: "This is the second specialist guide that FIS has produced in partnership with the Steel Construction Institute and demonstrates the strength in collaboration, producing guidance to ensure that accurate and detailed specifications can be written so that external walling systems can be procured and installed to meet the required specification."
Commenting on the guide, Colin Kennedy, Chair of the FIS SFS working group and Managing Director of FIS member Veitchi Interiors said: "Specifying SFS external wall systems requires considerable thought and design, even before a specification can be written. This is because the specification should be developed alongside the engineering design rather than a simple output from a list of attributes and parameters, to cover the three light steel external wall systems and the six current variants of SFS."
Andrew Way, an Associate Director at SCI, added: "In order to achieve the correct specification, a considerable amount of information is required about the intended use of the product and the desired performance characteristics. This was the learning curve for me and the key lesson that this new guide addresses, in that the SFS should be fully engineered specifically for the building. Most importantly its location, proximity to other buildings and how that building is designed to accommodate movement is essential before it can be specified."
This new specification guide complements the previous joint SCI and FIS publication ED017 - Design and installation of light steel external wall systems. P433 provides guidance on writing a specification, check lists for the aspects which should be considered and information on the risks associated with incorrect or incomplete specification.
P433 is available as an electronic copy only and can be downloaded from;
Wind Actions and Snow Loads. Online Course
7 & 8, July 10:00-12:00
Design of Steel and Composite Bridges - Part 1 - Member Webinar
13 July 12:30-13:30
Steel Building Design to EC3. Online course
4 Sessions: 9, 10, 15 & 16 September 10:00-12:00
Fire resistant design of steel structures - Member Webinar
14 September 12:30-13:30
View all courses
Progress towards revised Eurocodes
SCI members will know that the Eurocodes are being revised and some now Parts added. Some revisions are in the early stages and others are more mature. Both EN 1993-1-1 and EN 1993-1-8, which are key documents for steel designers are very close to completion. Recently, every country in CEN has been asked for comments on the "final" version of EN 1993-1-8, which is a measure of how mature that particular Part is. A small ad-hoc group prepared comments which have been forwarded to BSI, which will be collated with those from other countries. This will be no small task, as the UK alone submitted 31 pages of comments. Once the standard is finalised, the work on the UK National Annex can begin.
Members Advisory Desk Service email alerts.
The new Advisory Desk service emails sent this month included;
Advisory Desk Note - AD 416 Artificially reducing the effective width of slab to satisfy shear connection requirements
Advisory Desk Note - AD 467 Use of washers in single bolt lap joints
If you are an SCI Sole Trader or Corporate Member and not receiving these emails alerts go to the SCI Information Portal and in your Profile click on notifications/alerts and select the notifications you require.
All the Advisory Desk Notes and Questions and Answers together with other technical resources are all available at all times on the SCI Information Portal.
SCI Advisory Questions and Answers
For SCI Sole Trader and Corporate members, SCI offers support through our Advisory Desk Service. For questions asked which we feel are pertinent to the wider member audience we publish anonymously the questions and answers.
Where some questions relate to SCI Publications we publish the question and answers in Connect.
This month our published question is about; Slot lengths
Question: BS EN 1090-2 Table 11 provides dimensions for short and long slotted holes. What is the overall length and where is it measured?
Please see the answer to this Advisory Question/Answer - Ref No AD_QA_7159-21 and all Advisory questions on the SCI Information Portal.
The Advisory Desk Service is for SCI Corporate and Sole Trader Members | +44 (0) 1344 636525
SCI Courses, Webinars and Events
SCI Online Training Courses
On-line Wind Actions and Snow Loads course
Two sessions
Part 1 - 7 July 2021
Part 2 - 8 July 2021
Time: 10:00-12:00
This short course will cover the calculation of wind actions and snow loads in accordance with the Eurocodes and the UK National Annexes. The presentation on wind actions will cover the recommended approach of considering quadrants around the site for hand calculations. The significant differences compared to the previous BS will be discussed.
Snow loading is relatively straightforward, so after covering the uniform snow condition, the course will example the UK provisions for drifted snow. The special provisions for imposed loading and snow loading on roofs (which affect portal frame design in particular) will be discussed.
Delegates will receive a PDF copy of P394, which covers the calculation of wind actions.
This course provides a solid introduction into the design of steel framed buildings to avoid
Member Rate - £130.00
SCI Non-Member - £160.00
Register for this event here.
Next SCI Member webinar is;
Design of Steel and Composite Bridges
Part 1 - Webinar - 13 July 2021
Time: 12:30-13:30
The aim of this webinar is to outline the design of steel and concrete composite I girder and box girder bridges according to the Eurocodes. It focuses on the cross-section verifications required for the ULS and the SLS, with consideration given to both the temporary (construction) stage and the final condition. Guidance on the interpretation and use of the relevant parts of Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 4 along with background information, where appropriate, will be provided.
Register here to view this webinar
For a list of webinars, on-line public courses visit the SCI Information Portal
We may have to postpone courses and we will contact you if the course you have registered for is running on the date advertised or provide you with a new date in the future.
Members in the news |
ArcelorMittal has released its new software
ArcelorMittal has released its new software, Advance Bridge Expert, for the pre-design of composite bridges with hot rolled sections. Developed by Graitec with support from ArcelorMittal the software is dedicated to the pre-design of straight, skewed, and/or curved bridges for roads, railways, and pedestrians according to the Eurocodes. Options include filler beam, composite, or PreCoBeam. For railway bridges, the software allows for the dynamic pre-design of high-speed trains according to EN 1991-2.
ArcelorMittal rolled section have a range to 1138mm deep (UB 1100x400x607), available in S460 and Histar460, and in weathering steel to EN 10025:2019 part 5. AMDS UK hold a stock of popular weathering steel equal angle (150x150x12/15/20, 200x200x16/20) and PFC (380x100, 300x90, 260x90, 200x75), ideal for bridge bracing members.
See here for the free download details.
SCI Publications
Our bookshop is once again open. For any hard copies of SCI Publications visit the SCI WebShop.
Structural Robustness of steel framed buildings (P391)
This publication provides design guidance for hot-rolled steel-framed buildings on the Eurocode strategies for structural robustness and designing for the avoidance of disproportionate collapse as required by the UK Building Regulations.
Avoidance of thermal bridging in steel construction (P380)
This publication provides an introduction to thermal bridging, an explanation of the consequences of thermal bridging (local heat loss and the possibility of condensation), and describes how these effects are considered in building regulations.
Elastic Design of Single-Span Steel Portal Frame Buildings to Eurocode 3 (P397)
Steel portal frames are lightweight, highly efficient and cost effective and account for the majority of the single storey market. This publication provides guidance on the design of portal frames in accordance with the Eurocodes, making recommendations where the design Standard is unclear.
SCI on Social Media
For course reminders, publication updates and article notifications follow SCI on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
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