For over 30 years SCI has been a leading player in the development and promotion of light gauge steel framing. This early development work has been crucial to growth in the usage of light gauge steel framing over that period, which has also been driven by benefits such as speed of construction, sustainability credentials, design flexibility and technological advances.
ICW will become the latest building warranty provider to have a dedicated chapter on light gauge steel framing in their technical manual when their updated version is released later this year.
Recognising the growing significance of light steel framing in the UK construction industry and in particular in the residential sector, ICW decided to develop a chapter for their technical manual which was dedicated to this form of construction. To assist them with this challenge ICW called upon SCI. The ICW technical manual specifies the requirements which different forms of construction must satisfy for them to qualify for an ICW warranty.
Working together with ICW and drawing upon our extensive knowledge of light gauge steel construction and the requirements of building warranty providers, SCI produced the new chapter for the ICW technical manual. The chapter includes all the topics one would expect to see included such as; steel specification, structural design, control of condensation and moisture, and behaviour in fire. Where necessary the text refers to SCI’s detailed design guidance relating to light steel framing rather than repeating the information within the technical manual.
Also included within the new chapter is a two-stage certification system for light steel framing, which has proven to be successful for many light steel frame manufacturers and popular with other warranty providers. Stage 1 is a system based certification carried out by SCI, followed by Stage 2 which is project specific. Further information is available from the SCI certification and assessment website.