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Technical Information for the UK Steel Sector – Advertising Opportunities


The UK steel construction sector is one of the healthiest in the world. SCI would very much like to ensure that it remains so in the future, but recognises that a number of changes that have already taken place or are on the horizon could upset the status quo. To accommodate and even exploit these changes it is important that the sector continues to be supported by world class technical information, in the way it has been since SCI was formed in 1986.

One fundamental change since 1986 is that the UK steel production industry no longer supports SCI to produce generic information. This is entirely reasonable given how the steel market has evolved. A second fundamental change is the almost complete loss of support from the UK Government for research and dissemination activities associated with steel construction. These two changes mean that new models will be needed if, over the next three to five years, we are going to be able to produce the guidance that is essential to assist with the implementation of the second generation of Eurocodes.

One way to at least part-fund future updates of existing documents will be to sell advertising space. Our recently launched guide to composite construction (P300 Third Edition), the production of which was entirely funded by SCI, is a prototype and we are very thankful to CMF and Kingspan for taking up the offer to advertise their products
and services.

We are also very open to any requests to advertise in existing publications, and will use the income to build up a ‘fighting fund’ to facilitate future publications. Our only restriction is be that we will not allow a competitor of a publication sponsor, where there is or was one, to advertise unless agreed by the sponsor. The opportunity is significant. Besides downloads from our own Steelbiz, we know that our most popular publications are downloaded from I H S approximately 1000 times a year or even more. Even a specialist and now quite old publication such as our vibrations guide was downloaded from I H S almost 500 times in the last 12 months.